Saturday 31 May 2014

Famous Online Bharatanatyam Dancers Kerala

Bharata Natyam is one of the eight Indian classical dance forms of India. This dance form originated in the temples and courts of southern India. Later it was documented as a performing art in the 19th century by four brothers known as the Tanjore Quartet (musicians). Their musical compositions are use for Bharata Natyam dance repertoire even today. The art form used to performs by generation to generation under the Devadasi system.


Friday 16 May 2014

Online Mohiniyattam Dancers...

Mohiniyattam was popularised as a popular dance form in the nineteenth century by Swathi Thirunal, the Maharaja of the state of Travancore (Southern Kerala), and Vadivelu, one of the Thanjavur Quartet. Swathi Thirunal promoted the study of Mohiniyattam during his reign, and is credited with the composition of many music arrangements and vocal accompaniments that provide musical background for modern Mohiniyattam dancers. 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Online Classical Dancers in Kerala....

Rlv Anand is famed as one of the leading classical dancers in Kerala. A competent performer, choreographer and teacher. Anand has contributed his own concepts to the traditional dance style through his experimentation and innovations in Bharatanatyam, Mohiniyattam and Kuchipidi. He produced and choreographed several dance dramas in his own style, which are highly appreciated.Some of them are Ramayanam, Mahisasura mardanam, Geetopadesham, many forms of Kuravanji, Panjali vastrakshebam etc.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Online Classical Dancers

Online Classical Dancers.......

Indian Classical Dance is one of the most comprehensive and oldest dance forms in the world. Most of the development of Indian dance is linked to the 2nd century B.C. treatise. This treatise, Bharata’s Natyashastra, is the most important source for establishing the characteristics of Indian dance and drama. 

Monday 5 May 2014

Online Bharatanatyam dancers.......

Online Classical Dancers......

Indian Classical Dance is one of the most comprehensive and oldest dance forms in the world. Most of the development of Indian dance is linked to the 2nd century B.C. treatise. This treatise, Bharata’s Natyashastra, is the most important source for establishing the characteristics of Indian dance and drama. The Natyashastra lays down two aspects of dance Nritta- pure dance and Nitrya- interpretative dance.