Wednesday 25 June 2014

Histroy of Kuchipudi Dance

Kuchipudi is one such unique form of Art which is the tasteful blend of grace and vigour, elevation and sensuality, of control and abandon. With its roots buried in the soil of Andhra Pradesh in India, Kuchipudi was born in a remote Village from which it derived its name. In the early days, the Kuchipudi style of dance was in the form of dance dramas, the main purpose being to inculcate divine ecstasy which invokes immortal bliss and brings one closer to the path of salvation.

The living Legend Padmabushan Dr. Vempati Chinna Satyam is the only present recognized Guru and Author of Kuchipudi Dance over the world. He not only followed his Guru's footsteps but proceeded even further down through the road of revolution. He made a detailed study of the oldest available treatise on dance.

Kuchipudi is purely classical in nature and employs Lasya, Thandava and Abinaya with the purpose of interpretation of Slokas. The classical Indian art also includes Samyutha, Asamyutha Hasthas, Karana, Chari, Angahara, Mandala, Nrutha Hasthas etc. It is unique dance form in the sense that it makes intricate use of four Abhinayas namely Angika, Vachika, Aaharya and Satvica respectively.

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